Generate Better Experiences

Everything we do is based around designing the interactions and experiences that customers have with a service.

Expertise Across Multiple Disciplines

Service design is an interdisciplinary approach that aims to create and improve services to deliver better experiences for both customers, and other stakeholders – from teams to management. It involves understanding customer needs, mapping out the customer’s journey, and designing service solutions that are user-centered, efficient, and impactful. Service design goes beyond the traditional focus on physical products and incorporates the entire service ecosystem, including interactions, touchpoints, processes, systems, and more.

Unlock the True Value of Your Company

Mindfully Aligned with the Real Needs of Your Customers

We take into account the organizational context, business objectives, and the integration of technology, processes, and people required to deliver a seamless and cohesive service experience.  We do this by employing a wide range of methods and tools, such as user research, personas, customer journey mapping, service blueprints, prototyping, and co-creation workshops, to uncover insights, ideate, and iterate on service solutions.Sometimes we break things, yet always with the intention of making them better.

Asset Mapping

We uncover and organize valuable information, from intangible to tangible resources, and more.

Audience Analysis

We grasp your audience intricately and adjust our tactics for specific desired outcomes.


Our comprehensive training services empower your teams for design-led success.

Web Development


We deliver visually stunning websites and applications that engage, captivate, and reflect the brand’s excellence.

Technical Writing

We simplify complexity with precise language to ensure clarity and impact.

Strategic Consulting

We guide businesses towards thrivability and end-to-end success.

Product Service Design

We design innovative solutions that make life better.

Branding Strategy

We skillfully craft, plan, and execute compelling, brands that captivate and convert audiences.

Service Blueprinting

We create seamless service ecosystems, end-to-end.

Truth Be Told

We Love Advanced
Technology, However...

We love and believe in the beauty and power of humanity and our collective intelligence more. That said, we prefer what may feel analog or traditional at times – thinking for ourselves, together, and with the whole in mind. Yet we also employ the use of technology like AI to accelerate processes which help us come together, understand, and build faster — and sometimes more efficiently overall. We believe in a world where humans utilize technology ethically and to advance the possibilities of a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future for all. Not think and make all of our decisions for us, but to instead assist us in co-creation and co-existing as a thriving planet.


Ready To Make Something Useful?

Let's Build This Thing Together!

©  Brave Intangibles LLC. 2024